How to get to Coimbra

There are a number of different travel options for reaching Coimbra, Portugal. Here we have put together details on how to get to Coimbra by train, plain, bus and car.

If you are wondering how to get to Coimbra by air, it is possible both via Lisbon and via Porto airports. Coimbra is located slightly closer to Porto, however there are more flights into Portela Airport in Lisbon, due to its status as Portugal’s capital city. The onward journey from both is relatively straightforward, with Porto to Coimbra taking around an hour and Lisbon to Coimbra taking around two hours, either by road or train.

Travelling to Coimbra by train is simple. All trains between these two cities stop at Coimbra en route, some on a fast service and some on a slower-stopping service. When travelling to Coimbra by train, whether you travel from Porto to Coimbra or from Lisbon to Coimbra, your journey will bring you into Coimbra B station, which is a short distance from the city centre. However, all long-distance tickets include the five-minute ride to Coimbra A, also known as “Baixa de Coimbra”, or downtown, which is located right in the heart of the city centre.

Travelling to Coimbra by bus is a comfortable and cost-effective alternative to the train. You can reach Coimbra by bus from destinations all over Portugal, including the far northern and eastern borders with Spain and from locations on the Algarve in the south. If you choose to arrive in Coimbra by bus, your journey will end at the bus station in Av. Fernao de Magalhaes, just a 10-minute walk from the city centre and all the major hotels.

Travelling to Coimbra by car is a popular option for those looking to explore the local area. If you are thinking of travelling to Coimbra by car, take the A1 motorway which runs from Lisbon to Porto and choose one of the Coimbra exits which will lead you into the city centre.